I always apply professional knowledge and experience to promote student learning. I use appropriate pedagogy, assessment, and evaluation, resources, and technology in planning for and responding to the needs of individual students and learning communities. I constantly refine their professional practice through ongoing inquiry, dialogue, and reflection.
Having a growth mindset and frequently reflecting is a large part of my professional practice. I believe that by making mistakes we are able to learn more. Having and practicing a growth mindset is founded in a variety of scientific research studies. A few of my favourites are linked below:
By being up to date with current education research I am able to follow best practices and implement new techniques and strategies into my teaching. After each lesson, day, and when I read new research, I always take time to reflect upon my current teaching practices and how I can adapt them to better suit my students. For this purpose, I keep a journal to write down important events of the day and record my successes and challenges. This allows me to remember what I can do better next time. I am a firm believe that when you know better, you should do better, and this is something I follow everyday in my classroom. Reflection is also something I want to instil in my students. I want to help them practice a growth mindset, and I believe that self-reflection is an exceptional assessment strategy. I follow Assessment of, as, and for learning strategies in my teaching, and I find that self-assessment is a super way to include Assessment as learning into my lessons. Self-assessment is a strategy I use to check in with my students to see where they are at with a particular topic or unit. I can use this feedback to gauge the rest of my lessons and make changes to my plans where I see fit. Some students may not always be comfortable raising their hand and asking for help, however with this strategy I can see and hear from all my learners.
Student Self-Reflection Remote Learning
Personal Reflection after Practicum (Click to access file)
Professional Practice Image:
"Never Lost" by Zach Dischner is licensed under CC BY 2.0